Wednesday, August 29, 2018

WHATEVER DOESN'T KILL YOU - A look into a demented writer's head

Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you wish you were dead. 

Anyone else having issues with their life?

Yeah, me neither.

So here I am, sitting, wondering, looking, early morning, I'm usually not up at this hour writing, but it seems like a good thing to do, to push the poison from the system and release into the world.

Angry pelicans on the streets of LA, looking for a fix, or tuna, or maybe a halibut,

Maybe in another life, I could be someone awesome, instead of this, whatever I am.

Planets align, then drift back away, trying to find center of nowhere, which, if you think about it, is near impossible.

It's 6:53 in the morning, few people wander about, looking for egg and sausage biscuit sandwiches and a large orange juice, somewhere, someplace, people laugh, drinking strong coffee, waiting for the sun to rise.

Misery loves company.

So they say.

I reach up, stretch, trying to grab space, to pull myself up, emotionally, Heaven seems so far away.

I fail.

I might go for a walk; to watch, to see, to hear, to feel the ground beneath my feet...

Monday, August 27, 2018

Trapped in the dark when the lights are on - A POEM

Trapped in the dark when the lights are on - A POEM

Standing alone in the rain,
That feeling,
Lost happiness,
Fleeing on the ground.

Feeling alone,
In a room full of people,
All celebrating you.

Humanity lost,
To that humanity,
Trapped in the dark,
When the lights are on.

Some people,
When the map is fully opened,
Through a maze,
Of confusion,
Begging for forgiveness,
When there's nothing to forgive.

When will this madness stop,
Oh lord,
How can I go on when my on is gone?

Down that road,
Wandering forward,
As I move backwards,
Seeing through the fog,
As I am blind,
Lost in that madness,
Wearing a mask,
He must be happy,
He's smiling.